Sunday, June 22, 2008

First post

I finally have my blog set up for my work as a composer, cellist, music theorist, etc. Basically I am using this as a way to share any thoughts, projects, and hopefully to receive valuable input to make my music better and eventually become a well-known composer. Currently I am working on my first symphony after the success of my Seven Songs of Emotion (for Cello, Clarinet and Voice).

I am currently working on playing through the music for my senior recital: Shostakovich Cello Sonata, Ligeti Cello Sonate, and Hindemith's Sonata for Solo Cello, Op. 25/3 (I think that's the right Opus number, I'll double-check in a few days when I get back from traveling with the family.) The music is very tiring right now, but I have finally been able to get through ALL the music in one sitting, which is a big deal. Now to work on doing it without becoming incredibly tired.

Here's to working hard! Enjoy!

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