Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Halfway done now

I haven't been posting regularly simply due to my need to work hard on my compositions. I have a new blog up with my samples: http://mwilliamscomposition.blogspot.com/

Feel free to check that out. I am currently working on the minimalistic characteristics along with a form of chordal serialism that may acquire the goal of Schoenberg's original intent with serial music. I'll keep everyone who watches this site up to date!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Awesome RPG Browser Game

I know this is supposed to be for music theory and stuff, but for those who are looking for a different experience, I recently came across this new game called Fallen Sword.
It is somewhat unique but if you are familiar with NeoPets, the NeoQuest I and II games are VERY similar. I would recommend this to anyone interested in video games and MMORPG's that are not graphically impressive. It's a fun game in my opinion, and you can fight others in the game (PvP) which is just as good!

If you are interested at all, try it out! It is a free game to play, and this isn't a trial offer. There IS the option to purchase FallenSword Points for upgrades, but honestly, you can also do special rewards and even purchase FSPs with in-game gold as well! It can't hurt to at least TRY the game! If interested, just click on the banners above!

The Countries in the Olympics

I know it is almost over anyways, but for a while, I could not tell what some of the countries were, some I had no clue existed until now! For those interested, this is a small list of some of the countries that some may NOT have heard of, or know the abbreviation.

PNG - Papau New Guinea (abbr. was tricky to me until I saw the flag)
NZL - New Zealand
MAR - Morocco (Yeah...definitely did not know that abbr.)
LTU - Lithuania (It's one of three smaller countries in eastern Europe (with Latvia and Estonia)
CAF - Central African Republic (I wish they would've used CAR)
ERI - Eritrea (African country just north of Ethiopia)
AZE - Azerbaijan
ESP - Spain (Spanish form of Spain is EspaƱa)
ISL - Iceland (should've used ICE in my opinion)
BUR - Burkina Faso (Medalless country in Africa, neighboring Mali)
CPV - Cape Verde (Islands off Africa)
LIE - Liechtenstein (European country between Austria and Switzerland)

Many more exist, but as I am currently watching the Olympics, I will leave it to you to research more. It is a GREAT way to learn about the world and the many countries that rarely are heard of outside these epic games.

By the way, CONGRATULATIONS to Shawn Johnson on her Gold medal win in Balance Beam! I must say, I am very impressed with the skills of the U.S. Women's Gymnastics team, and I will say that I will fully support her, Nastia, and all the rest of the team should they decide to travel to London in 2012! Speaking of which, does anyone know what music Shawn used in her floor exercise? I LOVED it!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Playlist explanations - Part 1

Ok, while I am working on my new tonality, I am going to take some time to explain some personal connections to the songs in my playlist (see below the blog entries).

1. The Final Countdown - Europe
This one is special as I first heard it after a fairly difficult time at school. I thought it was awesome with the beginning fanfare of trumpet/organ mix, or what at least sounded like them. I ended up purchasing the song, and have since learned to perform it on the piano, to the amusement and chagrin of my peers. It really is catchy, but alas, it is a One-Hit wonder by this band.

2. Invincible - Pat Benatar
This one I have heard on a local radio station for a few weeks now, and I just like the chord progression and the voice. It just seems to fuse perfectly.

3. Water Night - Eric Whitacre (sorry if last name is spelled wrong)
Ok, unlike half the women at my school, I like his music for the MUSIC, not the looks of the guy! Sheesh...anyways, this shows just how delicate and dense his tonal structure can be. To be fair, his work in this helped inspire my decision to look for a deeper tonality. Most say this is one of his most moving works, but that is something for you to decide.

4. Only Time - Enya
I remember this song from when I was in elementary school...I thought it was amazing with such a poignant message and equally powerful technological music application. This helped me get into modern music before starting my musical life on the cello.

5. You are Not Alone - Michael Jackson
This one is REALLY personal, as it was the last song sung at my middle school talent show, by two very good singers. One of them, my unknown "twin", really fell to tears while singing it. I have to think that this song sort of explains how my life has been up to this point. It always helps to have a friendly reminder that no one is alone. Somewhere out there, there is someone that is thinking, wondering, or perhaps caring about you. Do not fall into despair, but look up and just know, someone does care. You are really not alone.

6. Africa - Toto
This song is just catchy, but I loved the instrumental use and the musical scale used. It also is moving as it helps for you to see that there is something there for everyone, and you are the only one that can do something, and while you may not know it at the time, the world will be better for it.

Perhaps later I'll give more connections, but for now, I will leave it for you to enjoy! Have a good day!

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Lyrics to one of my Favorite Songs

This is to Africa by Toto:

I hear the drums echoing tonight
But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation
Shes coming in 12:30 flight
The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation
I stopped an old man along the way
Hoping to find some long forgotten words or ancient melodies
He turned to me as if to say, hurry boy, its waiting there for you

Its gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
Theres nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in africa
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had

The wild dogs cry out in the night
As they grow restless longing for some solitary company
I know that I must do whats right
Sure as kilimanjaro rises like olympus above the serengeti
I seek to cure whats deep inside, frightened of this thing that Ive become


(instrumental break)

Hurry boy, shes waiting there for you

Its gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
Theres nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in africa, I bless the rains down in africa
I bless the rains down in africa, I bless the rains down in africa
I bless the rains down in africa
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had

Friday, August 1, 2008

The EPO season!

This orchestra season is going to be BIG! And I mean BIG! I am so excited, that I am going to just give everyone who reads this the dates of the big performances. Next season will host Beethoven 5 AND 9!!!!!!! This season starts off a Beethoven Symphony Cycle where all 9 symphonies will be performed.

September 13, 2008 8 PM
Wagner - Prelude to Die Meistersinger
Tchaikovsky - Piano Concerto No. 1 (featuring Alexander Toradze, piano)
Beethoven - Symphony No. 7

October 25, 2008 8 PM
Ginastera - Variaciones Concertantes (first time performed by EPO)
Rodrigo - Concierto para una Fiesta (first time) (featuring Carlos Perez, guitar)
Beethoven - Symphony No. 8

November 15, 2008 8 PM
Wagner - Prelude & Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde
Rozsa - Sinfonia Concertante for Violin & Cello (first time) (featuring Jaime Laredo, Violin and Sharon Robinson, Cello)
Beethoven - Symphony No. 2

January 17, 2009 8 PM
Beethoven - Symphony No. 1
Berlioz - Love Scene from Romeo & Juliet (first time)
Brahms - Piano Concerto No. 1 (featuring Bryan Wallick, piano)

February 21, 2009 8 PM
W.A. Mozart - Overture to Cosi fan tutte (first time)
W.A. Mozart - Violin Concerto No. 4 in D (featuring Jennifer Koh, violin)
Berlioz - Symphonie Fantastique (SWEEEEEEEET!!!)

Yes folks, on this date, the legendary Symphonie Fantastique will be performed. Mark your calendars!

March 14, 2009 8 PM
Rossini - William Tell Overture
Hindemith - Symphonic Metamorphosis
Prokofiev - Alexander Nevsky (featuring EPC and Susan Platts, Mezzo Soprano)

THIS NEXT ONE, the last one of this season, IS HUGE!!
April 25, 2009 8 PM
Beethoven - Symphony No. 6 "Pastoral"
Stravinsky - The Rite of Spring (SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!)

Both Symphonie Fantastique AND The Rite of Spring in one season!! A dream come true, and just before I graduate from college! An AWESOME event to be sure!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

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My favorite Music!